Monday, November 24, 2008

Worst weekend ever

Saturday night at half 4 Wil calls me that Rogue already gave birth to 4 kittens. Of course on an impossible spot, so I put them in the box , and there was already number 5, and a half hour came later no. 6. Rogue didn't payed any attention to her, so I took her up, but she really wasn't good , there was almost no more lofe in her. And than I saw that her front feet weren't good, and her back neither. So I put her aside, and she died in a few minutes
When I examined the others as well, it seemed that at 2 others the front feet were curved as well. The feet had grown at the pulse to the back, O NO, this is no good, they never can't walk this way.
When I thought she was finished delivering, I went to bed for a few hours, and when I came downstairs there was another kitten born, with also his feets standing backwards, and had a couple nods in its tail.
I had a convention this weekend, so couldn't do much at it, so when I was there I rang the vet, and he confirmed what I feared, I had to put them asleep.
So when I came home saterdag night, we drove to the vet, and put them asleep. So what had to be a nice litter with 6 kittens, ended with 3, and I had to bury the other 4.
On top of all that I came awake Saturday morning with a lighting exactly under my scapula. I have this more often, but cannot remind it was this bad, I even had to cry from the pain, and ofcause all the other things happened
When I woke up this morning Rogue was lying near my bed, so I ran downstairs to look at the kittens, they were all cold, so I warmed a pitcher to warm them up, and gave them some food. I don't know how long she left them alone. When I came home tis evening, 1 of the kittens was lying on the cold floor, all cold and hardly alive. O no what a misery. So I rubbed her, to get her warm again, and warmed the pitcher and she slowly came to live a bit. Then I feed them, and put her with Rogue again, for a few hours I thought she would be fine, but when I look at her now, I don't think she is gonna make it till the morning.
So when I went downstairs at 2 AM, she already died, and we burried her tonight. Now 1 of the other 2 is doing bad, and not making it till the morning either. This is so hardbreaking, I feel so sad for the mother and the only girl left, I hope she is gonna make it.
I think I've cried for months the couple of days
I think it's so unfair to be born and than die so soon again, I can't imagine what the meaning is for that.


linda loe said...

Wat ging er niet goed dan??? Ben niet nieuwsgierig hoor..... :-)

Meikoningin said...

Jeetje, dat is weet kl*te meid :( Wat een drama als ik de twee posts over de kittens lees. En het is niet de eerste keer dat je afscheid moet nemen van kittens, maar dat maakt het niet minder pijnlijk. Misschien wist Rogue van het begin af aan al dat de kittens niet in orde waren en heeft ze ze daarom geen aandacht gegeven, de natuur is wat dat betreft ondoorgrondelijk. Heel veel sterkte in ieder geval om dit te verwerken, ik hoop dat je aan de andere katten en kittens zoveel plezier gaat beleven dat je niet zolang heel verdrietig hoeft te zijn. Hele dikke kus en knuf van mij <3


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